Monday, December 8, 2014

Why languages are so important?

      With regard to my passion of travelling it is essential to point out the importance of languages, which are connected to all aspects of our everyday lives. On the one hand, we do not only communicate with our words but also with our gestures, our facial expressions or the tone of voice. On the other hand, a communication based on words simplifies a lot the understanding of each other due to the fact that also gestures differ depending on the culture and, on top of that, the information or meaning comes easier to light.
     Consequently, we can connect with other people through language and make sense of our experiences which makes our language the most important part of our being. As must be clear from the foregoing, languages help us to learn about other people and their cultures. Concerning my interest in travelling I always feel motivated to learn more and more languages so that I can go beneath the surface of the tourist aspect and discover the true secrets about all the countries cultures I am going to visit.
      Furthermore, learning the languages of other countries is a sign of respect. Even the attempt to say a few words in the foreign language shows your respect to the culture. According to this, it might be one of the reasons that Anglophones seem to be rude abroad due to the fact that the majority does not make any effort to speak in other languages than English.

     Besides, there are a lot of idiomatic phrases whose translation only make sense in the native language. Fortunately, a lot of idiomatic phrases of the German and Polish language are similar or even identical so that the communication between me and my boyfriend works pretty well.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Latin America

      Continuing with my destinations, which are spread all over the world, and looking forward to visit them someday I want to present in the following one of my favorite destinations: Latin America.
     There are a few reasons why I would love to go to Latin America: first of all, there is to be mentioned the multi-faceted countryside with its beautiful beaches. Furthermore, the spoken language in most of the countries is Spanish so that I could also improve my Spanish skills. Naturally one has to add the marvelous weather, which emphasizes the beauty of its countryside. And finally the great variety of cultures attracts me and makes me curious including all their histories.

      There is a countless number of sights that catches my attention. For instance, the Macu Picchu, symbol of the ancient Incan empire, in Peru; the Easter Island in Chile with its so called Moai; the Galapagos Island in Ecuador with its beautiful nature and its animals; the Cocora Valley in Colombia, a wildlife sanctuary which also acts as a preservation for the national symbol of Colombia – the wax palm; or the Atacama Desert in Chile, known as the driest place in the world, to only mention a few sights, create a huge desire of mine to continue travelling around the world and to explore the most beautiful places on earth.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

  German language

  Due to my ongoing relationship with my German boyfriend and the efforts I put into learning the German language. I am often confronted with its funny characteristics. To les you be part of this, I will introduce you to my favorite one's.
   At first, there is to mention their angry sounding voice giving you the impression that they were yelling at you even through you were telling about casual things of everyday life. It honestly frightened me, but the more time you spend with Germans the more you get used to it and stop worrying about wheter you said something wrong or they got up on the wrong side of the bed. In the end I can say that Germans are very kind and nice people.
   With regards to the German words, its cost me a lot more to gets used to their immense large words. I have admit that I have no clue  what they are about and I am not sure if even the Germans do have an idea what they are about. Anyway, it is always fur to study German although I know that is impossible to get the understanding of all German words and expressions.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Marburg <3

     After the Erasmus Exchange program and my unforgettable stay in Spain my boyfriend and I continued our relationship by visiting each other in his country. Hence, I ended up in Marburg for the first time.
      Marburg is best-known as an unspoiled university town dominated by both Gothic and Renaissance buildings. My boyfriend’s apartment was located right in the middle of it, so that we could easily walk to any place in the town within a short space of time. Furthermore, we took advantage of the gorgeous weather and had a look at all the worth seeing places in Marburg. 
        At first, there has to be mentioned the famous castle of Marburg named Marburger Schloss. It is situated on top of a mountain, at a height of 280m. It was one of our first destinations from where we had an amazing view all over Marburg both during the day and during the night. After having enjoyed our picnic and having listened to all the bats flying about, we went for a nightly walk next to the river Lahn which flows through Marburg before going to sleep.
       On one of the next days we visited another important landmark of Marburg, the beautiful Gothic church Elisabethkirche built in honor of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. On our way we crossed the Old Botanical Garden, which is maintained today by the University of Marburg, and had a halt there next to a small pond with its moorhens and ducks. The whole time we were lucky with the weather and that was only one of many aspects that made my stay perfect.
       There are more and more marvelous places I get to know over the course of time, which are all worth being visited again. However, there are also a hundred of places I have not visited so far. Therefore, I am looking forward to all the future trips that are expecting me and my fellow traveler, my boyfriend.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

      Erasmus experiences...<3

    In 2013 I probably made one of the best choices in my life by applying to the Erasmus Exchange program. It was clear to me that I have to go abroad for a longer time if I wanted to improve my Spanish knowledge on a long-term basis. Finally, I ended up in Córdoba in the southern part of Spain.
     In October 2013 a new life full of adventures and challenges lay before me. Soon I made a lot of friends who came from all over Europe. Especially one German boy caught my attention, who later turned out to be my boyfriend, and with whom I am still having a wonderful relationship. Nevertheless, not everything went perfectly during my stay in Spain. So I had to make the experience that in Spain things work differently. Organization, punctuality or an environmental consciousness, to name just a few aspects, seemed to be of no great importance for the Spanish living in Andalusia.
That one day me and my boyfriend went to a nearby sea called “Lago azul”. It was a marvelous day with bright sunshine and we took our bicycles to get a cool refreshment. At first we were absolutely enthusiastic having this beautiful panorama of the blue sea. However, on closer inspection we noticed the great number of empty bottles, bags and other trash lying around. We still could enjoy our stay there but, anyway, it influenced my view on the Spanish life-style.
     Coming back to the positive aspects, one need to mention the most famous bar of Córdoba called “Banagher”. Whenever you liked to go out and have a beer I assure you that in Banagher you will find some other students with a similar thought. It was like the Mecca for all Erasmus students to meet up on every day of the week. In addition, you always met new people to hang out with and simply enjoy the stay in Spain.
     Of Course I grasped at the chance to get to know the Spanish of Andalusia as well. To my mind the typical Andalusian speaks out of the fullness of his heart, is vivacious, open-minded, solicitous and a tiny bit naïve or rather gullible at the same time. For this reason it was easy for me to get in touch with them and learn a lot about their culture and life.

     This exchange helped me a lot to extend my independence, my cultural interest and to build my goals in life. Unfortunately, the stay was too short, however, I lived to see a huge amount of positive things and I am looking forward to return to Spain one day (and this hopefully with my current boyfriend).